Thursday, September 2, 2010


Last few days I have been ruminating on how much we extrapolate from so little we can objectively verify. But boy, some of it is oh so pleasant. Like yesterday, ... we were on Murter city beach checking out if the sea has cooled down after the windy and rainy few days when an older gentleman approached me and said that I was 'the most beautiful woman he saw on this beach all season, regular sex bomb'. I was taken by surprise but really flattered. Some of the other people on the beach (mostly females) were somewhat stunned by his stunt and taken aback by my expression of surprised gratitude. There was murmur all around and I'm sure everyone had personal conclusion, interpretation of us, actors of this tale, sifted through the sieve of their referential frame. The gentleman and I might have been actors in objective reality, objects moving through physical and psychological space, being the action provoking re-action, but every person seeing us act was actor of their own interpretation production - being more of the factor of eventual conclusion formulation than any of physical actors.

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