Thursday, February 28, 2013

Music Thursday - Heartwarming Discoveries - Eversham

Mid-October last year I got notification from Twitter telling me that I have a new follower. That new follower was @EvershamMusic and in the description there was a link to their album, either through Bandcamp or free from Mediafire.

I downloaded the album to have a listen...

.. And then I downloaded everything there was and turned the Internet upside down to find everything there is about this band.

There are things like this - on Eversham YouTube page:

This is a video for opening song Barricade from their debut album Eversham (self-released, 18Jun2012) and it is a piece of art, both the song and the video. It pays to watch it in HD because there are details so intricate and wonderful you will want to watch it all, everything and over and over again.

The album Eversham opens with Barricade and it continues with 7 more songs that are one better than the other - they flow and shimmer with exquisite auditory aesthetics, summoning emotional imagery so rich and colorful almost bordering on pain. So rarely I find myself thinking: "My God, this is so beautiful if I died this instant my life would be complete." but this music does just that. Second song, Symmetry, also has a lovely video, and then there is my favorite Of Southern Skies with lacrimose feel of times spent chasing uncatchcable prey, of mist and sleeping under too big of a sky. Trees Don't Grow in Old Dead Countries has fascinating electronic drone squeal in the beginning and a portion of old-school metal riffage both fresh and quaint at the same time that it brings shivers of excitement every time I hear it. And it goes like that to the end: Melancholia, Immortal Lies in Mortal Bodies, Spiritual Revolution and The Absolute.

They also have one demo EP called In Dreams and you can also download it from their Bandcamp page. This material is almost just as good as Eversham album, if maybe a bit less technically perfect production-wise, but excellent nevertheless. There are even couple of great videos, like the one for We Are All Ghosts Pt.2:

Here is one lovely interview on their tumblr homepage and if this piques your interest there is A LOT of stuff there to read, hear and watch.

Of course, there is also page to check out and lastly, one more video - live rehearsal footage - that is so beautiful, so crystalline in sound and so captivating to watch that it just feels my soul with bliss for me to say; listen, notice and adore - Eversham!

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