Monday, October 20, 2014

Sunday Ride

I went for a ride on my bike on Sunday morning.

It was sunny outside my window so I got out my pump and checked the tires, poured some water into bidon and off I went. Half a mile down the street I drove into fog, but day was beautiful and warm and I just cycled on.

I love that bike. I got my Kona Splice with 29 inch tires last year after the season ended, somewhere in November, so it was a bit more bank-account friendly, after eyeing him for more than a year. I love his large tires and the feeling of speed while riding him. I love the muffled tone of shifting gears and the notion that he helps and hinders the ride in accordance with rider’s skill. I love how tall I am when I swoosh by slower riders.

Sava was dark and strong under Podsused bridge. It flowed under it quickly and with just a slightest gurgle, rushing into foggy distance. Birds chirped drowsily.

I snapped a few pictures and turned back towards home. Half a mile from the bridge there was sun and blue skies and rustle of yellowing leaves.

I love that bike. I love that libido boost it surrenders as I finish my ride.


nienna said...

o da. :)
ja sam gospođa pa imam konu africu i puno sam sporija na njoj, ali libido boosts nakon vožnji je isti! :)

derzafanistori said...

LOL znala sam da ima tu neka tajna reakcija :D

Kona Africa je jako lijepa. Od mog starog bajka najviše mi fali košara <3

nienna said...

meni je to uvijek povezano s tim kad se dobro fizički istrošim. kad sam prošle godine išla redovito plivat na mladost svaki dan mi je libido bio najviši ikad u životu. ali sigurno je i do toga što vozimo kone :D
košara je super praktična, ali ja sam svoju preopterećivala, pa je pukao nosač sa prednje vilice koji ju je držao i nikako da to opravim nekako pa je sad opet sve u ruksaku na leđima mi.

derzafanistori said...

E da, fizička aktivnost čuda čini :) A i Kone isto :D

Imala sam i ja problem s košarom pa sam kupila novu na samoborskom placu, 80 kn, pričvrsti se na felgu i sve štima.